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"There is no depth

without surface"

Walter Moers

© Centre Terre. Madre de Dios archipelago . Ultima Patagonia expedition 2017.

About us

We promote speleology in Chile with the aim of encouraging the exploration of the underground environment safely.

To this end, we organize training workshops, educational activities and collaborate in the organization and dissemination of Center Terre's "Ultima Patagonia" expeditions.



Our mission is to disseminate and promote the practice of caving in Chile, training in progression techniques, rescue and knowledge related to the underground world, in addition to promoting and supporting speleological expeditions that contribute to greater knowledge and protection both Chile's underground heritage as well as the surface territory in which it is inserted.



We want to help awaken the taste for exploration in the youngest, enriching their training through the practice of caving and expanding its spectrum to a practically unknown territory.

Only with a multi and interdisciplinary vision can we collectively aspire to understand and protect our planet.

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Interactive Centre for Speleology and the Underground Environment


We tell you the details of this important project here.

Blog entries

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Our activities are self-financed. The material produced by Center Terre or by our Association, in addition to being a way of sharing our work, helps us raise funds to continue operating.


Con tu ayuda es más fácil

Tu aporte marca la diferencia


¡Gracias por colaborar!

Un regalo con sentido

Si conoces a esa persona a la que le encantaría adentrarse en el mundo de las cuevas, aprender las técnicas de progresión por cuerda o disfrutar con los apasionantes relatos de las expediciones espeleológicas de Centre Terre en Patagonia, tenemos el regalo perfecto: nuestra TARJETA REGALO.

Al regalar alguno de nuestros talleres o productos, también estás contribuyendo a promover la práctica responsable y con sentido de la espeleología en Chile.


Camino Huallalolén 20220

Lo Barnechea - Santiago


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